Scientific Diving Techniques, 2nd Edition

$32.00 each


June 2017
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This updated and revised second edition of John Heine's Scientific Diving Techniques covers the details of research methods underwater. Included are general scientific diving guidelines, an overview of aquatic habits and ecosystems, specialized diving equipment and procedures, locating and marking study sites, archaeology, measuring physical and biological factors, underwater experimentation and underwater photographing and videography for the scientist. There are over 500 references to original scientific techniques. Also included are training exercises to aid Diving Safety Officers in training scientific divers.

John Heine was the Diving Safety Officer at the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories at California State University for many years. John is the past President of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences, and was a member of the Diving Control Board for the National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs. He is an accomplished writer and photographer, and is the author of Cold Water Diving: A Guide to Ice Diving, as well as other books and many scientific papers.

Paperback, 232 pages

"At FKCC, all students in our A.S. degree program in Marine Environmental Technology are required to take a four credit-hour course, Basic Research Diving (ISC 2132); and John Heine's excellent book, Scientific Diving Techniques, is a required textbook for that class. It is difficult to find resources that are suited to the unique technical aspects of scientific research diving, so Heine's book has become a fundamental component of our program. Written by someone who has truly walked the walk, it is a comprehensive and practical guide that no diver who enters the water with a scientific objective should be without."
--Alex. F. Brylske, Ph.D.
Professor, Marine Science & Technology
Florida Keys Community College

Book Number D1227-S

ISBN 9781930536685

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